Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Theater!!!...

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to sing and dance. I started out in dancing school when I was two years old and singing lessons since the fourth grade. Till this day these two passions are a big part of my life and I'm sure will be for the rest of my life. From my early years I have always taken part in musicals and plays. In my elementary school I had parts in such plays as Madeline, Maria from The Sound of Music, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and various christmas and variety shows. During my high school years, I was part of a four year performing arts institution as a voice major. This was a great opportunity for me in which I learned a great deal. During those for years I also performed in many different shows such as Fooltloose, Lil Abner, Guys and Dolls, along with annual voice recitals, jazz nights, international nights, and as a soloist in the Christmas shows. Currently in my university, I am a member of the stagers organization and was casted in the spring production of Jekyll and Hyde. I am very excited and cannot wait to see how the show comes together.

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