Most people in the United States have a favorite TV show that they are absolutely addicted to. It is like some horrible TV show disorder!! If you are in the middle of something, no matter how important it is, and you know that your show is coming on, you will drop it and run to the TV. It is actually a really funny thing to watch. I have a video on my camera that my friend took of me writing a paper and all of a sudden i looked at my phone and saw that it was 8:05 p.m and it was a wed night. I realized that i was 5 minutes late for The Moment of Truth!!!! I immediately ran/flew down the stairs, pushed my brother out of his chair, grabbed the remote control out of his hand, and switched whatever he was watching to channel five. Apparently, as I was told later, I didn't even blink until the commercial. When I was finally able to rip my attention away from the TV, I turned around to find my brother sitting on the floor with a look of terror and shock on his face and my friend's as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is that TV shows are good but they can be A LITTLE addicting.