Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Waiting....Just Waiting...

Did you ever just feel like you are waiting for something that is never going to come?? I'm not talking about something you ordered off of the internet that either got lost in the mail or is just taking a year and a half to actually show up at your house. But something less tangable. I just feel like I'm waiting around for my life to start. I know what everyone keeps telling me that "I'm in college now and I have so many wonderful opportunities waiting for me". Am I blinded?? Where are they?? Every chance that I have seen so far, I have taken but somehow a door was slamed shut in my face. I don't know after a while you find youself asking "is it me?? What can I possibly be doing that is so wrong??" I seriously sat down the other day and tried to figure out what was going on and i couldn't really come to any definite conclusion. I guess what I have to keep telling myself is that its not all me. Like for example, when your friends bail out on you when they are supposed to be there for you... well thats not my fault and when people don't know how to act their own age and instead act their shoe size... well again thats not my fault. I just keep asking myself " when is all of this going to end"? When will I finally be happy with my life... I'm not trying to say that my life is so horrible because it's not.. I mean i'm healthy, I have a great family, I go to a great school, and I'm sure everything will work itself out in due time...but for the meantime it is just extremely frustrating to have to wait. Everytime I hear that old saying "Good things come to those who wait" I can't help but close my eyes and wish that it's true. I'm ready for a little good news!!!

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