I remember when I was a little girl every Valentines Day, my father would come home from work with a big chocolate heart and a teddy bear for me and tell me that I was his little Valentine...I guess since I am his only daughter he wanted to make that a special day. I developed a certain definition of what I thought Valentines day was. I believed it was a very special day in which people would take the time out of their busy lives to show those around them that they love and appreciate them. As I grew older, my definition of Valentines Day changed a little bit... After a wonderful relationship ended, this definition gained a more negative connotation. I started to think of it as a day for card, candy, and stuffed animal companies as well as restaurants and other attractions to make more money. I guess you can say it became a kind of cynical and depressing day for me... After about about two years, I have finally been able to restore my old meaning of what Valentines day really is because if you sit back and look at how people act towards each other on this Day, you will see that people are nicer and more civil to each other. They might even shock you and go out of their way just to make you smile and feel happy. On a very positive note, through it all, every year without fail, my dad is right on target with his chocolate heart and teddy bear... I started out enjoying Valentines Day, went through a rocky patch, and now am back to enjoying the day. Thanks to the help of my father I am able to have a very nice Valentines Day every single year.. I guess when they say that a daughter is always Daddy's little girl.. they were right!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
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