Does anyone just stop and think about their lives and examine what makes them interesting and worth living?? Well lately I have been doing alot of self reflection and realized that I would not be able to do anything without the help of my friends. It was once said that a friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Well, I would have to say that I agree with that statement. My friends are the people that I can always count on without a doubt to be there for me be by my side through anything and everything. They are the people that I run to whenever I have a problem that I don't think I can face on my own. My friends are my strength. Whenever I feel that I am not strong enough to pull through difficult times they are right there to catch me and hold me up. They are my voice when I can't speak and my air when I cant breathe. I know that I can go to them with anything and they will listen and guide me through. You cant go through life alone, you will never make it. The world is an extremely difficult place to live and you can't do it on your own... it's impossible!! I know because I have tried to handle everything by myself and it just cant be done.. At some point you have to let somebody help you out..Everyone needs to lean on someone else for a little while.. For example, I have this best friend, Marie, who I know I can call 24/7 when I'm feeling overwhelmed and upset. She always has a way to calm me down. This week when I got really upset, she came over my house and we baked cookies and brownies to help settle my nerves. Although, it didn't exactly work, she always gives 100 percent effort. I really couldn't imagine my life without Marie!! I need her and am so glad, blessed, thankful and most of all lucky to have her as a friend. In my opinion our friends are the most important influence in our lives, they not only teach us things that our parents can't but they most importantly teach us about who we really are as people...