When I first moved into the house I am in now, I was only nine months old, my brother Chris was almost 2 and a half, and my oldest brother Rob was about fourteen. For the longest time we were the only children on the block and had to rely on each other for entertainment purposes. When I was in about the second or third grade, a family moved in with a boy my age and a girl about six years younger than me. We got along pretty well, and actually ended up going to the same elementary school. But as we got older, we just kind of grew apart. Now we live our own separate lives and wave to each other every once in a while if we happen to see each other outside getting in the car or something. Their family has actually recently put their house up for sale. Anyway, when I was in about the fifth grade, another family, with one boy(joey) my age and a girl(Lauren) two years younger,moved into the corner house. This was probably one of the best moments of my life. I remember my brother and I looking out the window and trying to see how old they looked and how many children there were, sice this was the winter time it was difficult to tell due to the use of hats/hoods and bulky jackets. I finally worked up enough courage to go over there and ring their doorbell to introduce myself and meet them. I am extremely glad that I did!! They have literally become my second family. I am very close with both Lauren and Joe, they are more than just my best friends, they really are a part of my family. This relationshiop goes for the parents as well. They are like my second parents. We do almost everything together. For example concerts, hanging out until whenever, trips to the city, movies, bowling, attempting to go sledding..haha...etc.. you get the point. No matter what we do we always have a blast together. I am always over there, its my second house. Lauren and Joe don't even have to be home, I can go and sit with their mom and have a blast. I can call any of them and talk about anything. I really do love them all as family and would do anything for them. I am truly Blessed to have this family in my life and will never forget the day they moved on my block...
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