Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm Addicted!!....

When I was in my sophomore year of high school, you weren't considered as cool unless you had a myspace profile page. One day during my lunch period, all of my friends seemed to be talking about all of these different events and conversations that took place on myspace. They just kept talking about who left comments on someone's page, how they cant believe some of the pictures that some girl put up, the background and design of some of the different pages, or how insulted they were that someone didnt put someone else on their top list. I had no idea what they were talking about so I finally just gave in and created one. This was one of the best and worst thing I ever did. The good news is that I was finally able to take part in the conversations during lunch because I was now actually able to see what they were talking about. The bad side is that I was now at the point of no return... I WAS ADDICTED TO MYSPACE!! My addiction is so bad that I cant be infront of a computer without going to check my myspace. After a while, the myspace craze died down a little, but a new one took over. This new type of internet profile page is called Facebook. Personally, I like facebook better because their are more things to do. Yes, you can't design your background but their are so many other options. My addiction to facebook is worse than my addiction for myspace. I have to check my facebook multiple times a day or else!!!! These profiles are a good way to keep in touch with people you don't really see anymore. I am truly addicted to my facebook and myspace but I love it!! If you don't have one, get one!!!!

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